Увидела анонс к отоме Prince of Stride,решила глянуть список персонажей на vndb.
Это сборник шаблонов,серьезно

Ладно,пропущу гг,начну сразу с кунов.

1.Fujiwara Takeru

Always cool and stoic. His only interest is stride. In middle school, he was a famous stride player. He usually wears glasses, but during practice he uses contacts.

Харука Нанасе №2

2.Hasekura Heath

Full of manly spirit, he has a dependable aura. A half-blood of British mother. Has two sisters, one is apparently president of a company, the other is a model. Heath himself also models sometimes against his will.

Внешностью он мне напоминает Укай из Волейбола,почему-то

3.Kohinata Hozumi

Looks cute, but actually loves terrible jokes and wants to work in the theater. Even if he's injured, he always carries a smile. The caring eldest son of a big family.

Шотатрап,любящий пугающие шутки,ок.

4.Kuga Kyousuke

A former member of Honan's stride club. He's considered a failure of Honan's system. Mostly a loner and considered mysterious in most ambits.

Мистический и одинокий местный Ферид

5.Suwa Reiji

Although he's mostly a loner, he always carries a sweet smile. Acts as a vocalist in the idol group "Galaxy Standard", and also has top-notch skills playing stride.

Вроде и радостный,но скрывает одиночество,впридачу идол

6.Yagami Riku

Always cheerful, he seems to be able to become friends wtih anyone. He also has good motor skills, and has done many activities with several clubs. He seems to have a rough relationship with Takeru.

Позитивный,легко заводит друзей,не очень отношения с Такеру.
Вот насчет последнего,это так оригинально